the description
of the invention, the claims and the drawings, if any, relating to the
description; and, finally, the name and address of the true inventor if he
has requested to be
mentioned in the patent.
(2) The Patent Office shall maintain a Register in which shall be recorded
patents granted, numbered in their order of grant, and, in regard to each
patent, where appropriate, its lapse for non-payment of annual fees, and
all transactions to be recorded by virtue of the present Act.
(3) The Patent Office shall record the changes of address or of address for
service which shall be notified to it by the registered owner of the patent.
(4) Communications to be made to the registered owner of the patent by
virtue of the present Act shall be sent to him at his most recently recorded
address and at the same time to his most recently recorded address for
20. Publication of Patents:
(1) The Patent Office shall publish in the Gazette as soon as possible all
patents granted in the order of their grant, mentioning the contents of the
patent in accordance with Section 19(1), with the exception of the
description and the
drawings. The publication of the claims of the patent may, to the extent
permitted and in the manner prescribed in the Regulations, be replaced by
a summary of the claims, without prejudice to the scope of the patent and
its validity.
(2) Patents registered at the Patent Office may be consulted free of
charge at that Office, and any person may obtain copies thereof at his
own expense. This provision shall also be applicable to transactions
recorded in regard to any patent.

Chapter Five: Rights Conferred by the Patent
21. Nature of Rights Conferred:

The patent shall confer upon its registered owner the right to preclude

third parties from the following acts:

(a) when the patent has been granted in respect of a product:

(i) making importing, offering for sale, selling, and using the product,

(ii) stocking such product for the purposes of offering for sale, selling, or


(b) when the patent has been granted in respect of a process:

(i) applying the process,

(ii) doing any of the acts referred to in (a) above in respect to a product

Select target paragraph3