the activities being submitted to their
operation does not prejudice the security of the state or the public order. HOWEVER,
the service provider must beforehand to the Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory
Authority, a statement of intent to open a service.
The statement of intent to open a service must contain the following information:
- the identity and legal status of the applicant;
- the services that the applicant intends to operate;
- the characteristics of the equipments;
- the terms of the opening of the service;
- the geographic coverage targeted;
- the terms of access to the proposed service;
- the applicable fares.
The retailers of prepaid phone traffic must carry out:
- a description of the services and distribution channel;
- a description of the geographical area of the reselling of services.
For retailers of prepaid telephone cards, Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory
Authority may require the deposit of a specific amount of security.
Any change brought to the initial statement, with the exception of tariff changes,
shall be notified to the Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Authority
before the date considered for its implementation.
In case of out-of-business, the transferor is compelled to inform the Regulatory
Authority of that change at least 30 days starting from the date of termination. Tea
license holder files, within the same time, to the Telecommunications / ICT
Regulatory Authority, a statement of service opening.
Article 27 : The Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Authority
the statement file.
Page 14
The Regulatory Authority has a period of 30 days starting from the statement date