The Laws of Zambia


speech, music or other sounds;


visual images;


electronic or other data;


signals capable of being interpreted as or converted to sounds,
images or data; or


signals for the actuation or control of machinery or apparatus;

by telephone, facsimile, telex, teleprinter or any other device or means (other than
radiocommunication, as defined in the Radiocommunications Act, 1994, or telegraphy)
whose principle utilises electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic or electrochemical energy or
any combination of them;

"telecommunication apparatus" means apparatus or facilities constructed or
adapted for use as part of, or for the purposes of, a telecommunication

"telecommunication officer" means an officer appointed under section four;

"telecommunication service" means a service, delivered by means of a
telecommunication system owned or provided by the person providing the
service, whereby customers using the service are able to transmit
telecommunications or have telecommunications transmitted for them, and
includes any service ancillary thereto, such as-


the installation, maintenance, adjustment, repair, alteration, removal,
relocation or replacement of telecommunication apparatus related to
the relevant telecommunication system; and


any directory information service;

but does not include a service prescribed by the Minister by regulation as being outside
the scope of this definition;

"telecommunication system" means a network of telecommunication apparatus
used or capable of being used to provide a telecommunication service.


Copyright Ministry of Legal Affairs, Government of the Republic of Zambia

Select target paragraph3