Supplement to Official Gazette

[13th March]

control or regulation otbroadcasting services
or telecommunication services and other Iicensed activities where it is necessary in the
interest of public security;


specification, manner of installing and use
of broadcasting apparatus and telecommunication apparatus~


erection and placement of broadcasting apparatus and telecommunication apparatus and
construction of works under this Act in so far
as they affect land, buildings and other property, including their maintenance, alteration and

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purchase 'and taking'over by the Goverlll;,ent
of any broadcasting service ortelecommunication service where it is considered necessary in the national interest:

(vii) taking over or requisitioning of any telecommunication installation where it is considered
necessary for the preservation of publ ic secLlrity or in the national interest:
(viii) control and orderly use of radio frequency
bands. in accordance with internati(' .•


conditions and tariffs relating to allocation of
radio frequencies to licensees:


prevention of misuse of broadcasting services
or telecommunication services:


reduction of transmitting power so as to prevent interference or interruption of other transmission;

(xii) limitingthe liability ofl.icensees forwilful tailure to render services under the licence and

Select target paragraph3