Suppl(!menf fo Official


[13th March]

(3) Where the Minister is satisfied that a person is engaged
in a practice in contravention of subsection (I), he may in writing,
order such person to do, or refrain from doing, any act within such
time as may be specified in the order.

34. Every person who operates a telecommunication service
shall furnish directory information in respect of its subscribers to
the Minister, or to such other person, and in such manner a$
Minister may direct.

Other duties of
telecommunication service

35. Every person providing a telecommunication
the duty-

service has


to refrain from installing network features, functions or capabilities that are not in accordance with
i.nternational standards applied in Seychelles;


to provide on,rates, terms and conditions that are
reasonable and non-discriminatory, and to the extent that is technically feasible, number portabi Iity
as required by the Minister;


to provide dialling parity to others providing telecommunication services on rates, termsand conditions
that are reasonable and non-discriminatory;


to permit others providing telecommunication services to have access to telephone numbers:o~
tors' services, directory assistance and directory It::'ling without being subjected to unreasonable diall ing
delays and on rates. terms and conditions that are
. reasomiblearidnon-discrimi'natory:


to afford access to towers. poles, ducts. conduits
and such person's right-of-way to his competitors
on rates, terms and conditions that are reasonable
.and non-discriminatory.


36. (1) The Minister may. at a time of emergency. order any
person providing a broadcasting service or a telecommunication

Select target paragraph3