authorization of the surgeon and of the patient operated
Article 154
1. Unless otherwise agreed, when a photograph
of a person has been taken on the basis of a
commission, it may be published, reproduced
or sent for reproduction by the person
photographed or by his heirs or representatives
without the photographer’s consent.
2. Where the name of the photographer appears
on the original photograph, it must also appear
on the copies.
Any person who uses a photographic
reproduction for commercial purposes must
pay the author equitable remuneration.
Article 149
Unless otherwise agreed, the transfer of the negative or
an analogous means of reproduction of a photographic
work shall imply the transfer of the rights of the
transferor referred to in the preceding Articles.
Article 150
1. Copies of a photographic work must bear the
following information:
(a) the name of the photographer or, in the cases set
out in paragraph 2 of Article 148, the employer entity
or the person/entity commissioning the photograph;
(b) the year the photograph was taken;
(c) in the case of photographs of works of figurative
art, the name of the author of the work photographed.
2. Only the unlawful reproduction of photographs
bearing the abovementioned information may be
punished. In the absence of such information, the
author may not claim the compensation provided for in
the present Code, unless the photographer can show
evidence of bad faith on the part of the person making
the reproduction.
Article 151
1. The reproduction of photographs in scientific
or educational works shall be lawful, in
exchange for payment to their author(s) of fair
2. Reproductions under the terms of this article
must always bear the name of the
photographer and the year of production, if
such indications appear in the original.
3. The reproduction of photographs published in
newspapers or other similar publications shall
also be permitted through payment to the
author of fair compensation, if they relate to
people or current events or if they are of
general interest for any reason.
Article 152
The reproduction and publication by press, cinema,
television or any other media of images of works of
architecture or any other plastic art already disclosed
by the author shall be free.
Article 153
The exhibition or dissemination by any form of
photography or cinematographic film of a surgical
operation shall always be dependent on the
Broadcasting and Other Processes for the
Reproduction of Signals, Sounds and
Article 155
1. The audio or visual broadcasting of an
intellectual work by any means, whether live
or retransmitted, shall always be subject to the
authorization of the author or his successors to
all or certain of his rights.
2. Communication of the intellectual work in any
public place through the use of any instrument
designed to broadcast signals, sounds or
images shall also be subject to the author’s
specific authorization or that of his successors.
Article 156
Owners of theaters or buildings to be used for
broadcasting or communication according to the
provisions of the preceding article, impresarios and
any persons involved in presenting the performance to
be transmitted must allow the installation of the
instruments necessary for the transmission, as well as
the tests or technical rehearsals necessary for its
successful execution.
Article 157
1. Unless otherwise stipulated, the authorization
provided for in Article 155 shall not imply
authorization to record the works broadcast
through the use of instruments fixing signals,
sounds or images.
2. Broadcasting organizations shall nevertheless
be permitted to record the works to be
broadcast on disks or any analogous form of
storage, but solely for use by their transmitting