Information about
foreign patents
application for a
application for a
application for a
documents furnished with the initial applica
tion shall be deemed to apply to the divisional
(4) Where priority for two or more earlier
applications is claimed for the initial appli
cation, a divisional application shall benefit
only from the priority that is applicable to it.
15. The applicant shall furnish the Registrar
General with the information or documents
relating to corresponding foreign applications
under section 9 of the Act within three months
from the date of the request.
16. (1) A withdrawal of an application for a
patent under section 6(7) of the Act shall be
made in Form P2.
(2) The withdrawal of an application does not
entitle the applicant to a refund of the
application fee.
17. An amendment of an application for a
patent under section 7(2) of the Act or of a
priority claim under regulation 8(3) shall be
made in Form P3.
18. (1) Upon receipt of an application for a
patent, the Registrar General shall mark the
actual date of receipt and the application
number on the application form and each
document filed with it.
(2) The application number shall be in the
format “GM/P/X/Y”; where
(a) “X” denotes the year of receipt; and
(b) “Y” is a fivedigit number
denoting the sequential order in which
patent applications are received.
(3) The application number shall be stated in