c) for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a
party or for the application of pre-contractual measures adopted at
his request;
d) for safeguarding the interests or rights and fundamental liberties of
the data subject.
Article 24:

Principle of legality and fairness

The collection, recording, processing, storage, and transmission of personal data
must be carried out in a legal. fair, and non-fraudulent manner.
Article 25:

Principia of purpose, relevance and preservation

1) Personal data shall be obtained for specrtied, explicit, and lawful purposes and
shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with sucl1 purposes.
2) It shall be adequate and relevant in relation
collected and further processed.

to the purposes for which it is

3) It shall be kept for a period whicl1 shall not exceed the period required for the
purposes for which they were obtained or processed.
4) Beyond the reqUired per"lod, data may only be kept with a view to responding
specifically to processing for historical, statistical, and research purposes, in line
with existing legal provisions.
Article 26:

Principle of accuracy

Personal data obtained shall be accurate and. where neceSSary, kept up to date.
All reasonable measures shall be undertaken to ensure that data that is
inaccurate and incomplete in relation to the purposes for which it is obtained and
further processed shall be erased or rectrtied.
Article 27:

Principle of transparency

The principle of transparency implies that the data controller is obliged to provide
information about the processing of personal data.
Articte 28:

Principle of confidentiality and security

Personal data shall be processed confidentially and shall be protected. in
particular when processing Includes transmission of data on a network.

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Select target paragraph3