Trade Marks	

[CAP. 401


goods shall be construed as references to the use thereof upon, or in
physical or other relation to, goods.
(As amended by No. 2 of 1962, C.N. No. 186 of 1964
lind S/. No. 175 of 1965)


3. There shall be established under the direction of the Minister
an office to be called the Trade Marks Office.

of Trade
Marks Office

4. The seal of the Patent Office, kept in terms of the Patents
Act, shall also be the seal of the Trade Marks Office, and impres­
sions thereof made for the purposes of this Act shall be judicially

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5.	 There shall be­

of officers

(a)	 a Registrar of Trade Marks who shall exercise the powers

and perform the duties assigned to the Registrar by this Act
and shall be responsible for its administration;
(b)	 one or more Deputy Registrars of Trade Marks who shall,

subject to the control of the Registrar, have all the powers
conferred by this Act on the Registrar;
(c)	 such examiners and other officers as may be necessary for

carrying out the provisions of this Act.

6. (1) There shall be kept at the Trade Marks Office for the pur­
poses of this Act the record called the register of trade marks
wherein shall be entered all registered trade marks with the names,
addresses and descriptions of their proprietors, notifications of
assignments and transmissions, the names, addresses and descrip­
tions of all registered users, disclaimers, conditions, limitations and
such other matters relating to registered trade marks as 'may be pre­
scribed. '?\
(2) The register shall be divided into four parts which shall be
known as Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D respectively.
(3) All registers of trade marks established and kept under the
Registration of Trade Marks Act, Chapter 207 of the 1957 Edition of
the Laws (hereinafter in this section referred to as "such legislation")
shall, under arrangements made by the Registrar with the approval of
the Minister, be incorporated with and form part of the register estab­
lished under subsection (I).
(4) Any trade mark which was registered under such legislation
and was of force and effect thereunder immediately before the com­
mencement of this Act and was of force and effect in the former

Register of
trade marks

Select target paragraph3