CAP. 401]	

Trade Marks

"mark" includes a device. brand. heading. label. ticket. name.
signature. word. letter. numeral or any combination
Cap. 400

"patent agent" means a person who is registered as such in terms
of subsection (l) of section sixty-eight of the Patents Act,
and is by virtue of the provisions of that Act entitled to
practise as a patent agent;
"permitted use" has the meaning assigned to it by subsection ( I)
of section thirty-three;
"register" means the register of trade marks kept under the pro­
visions of this Act;
"register of trade mark agents" means the register of trade mark
agents kept under subsection (I) of section eighty-six;
"registered trade mark" means a trade mark that is actually on
the register;
"registered user" means a person who is for the time being reg­
istered as such under section thirty-three;
"Registrar" means the Registrar of Trade Marks appointed
under section five;
"regulations" means regulations made under section eighty-one;
"trade mark" means, except in relation to a certification trade
mark, a mark used or proposed to be used in relation to
goods for the purpose of indicating, or so as to indicate,
a connection in the course of trade between the goods
and some person having the right either as proprietor or
as registered user to use the mark, whether with or with­
out any indication of the identity of that person, and
means, in relation to a certification trade mark, a mark
registered or deemed to have been registered under sec­
tion forty-two;
"trade mark agent" means a person who is­
(a)	 registered as a trade mark agent in terms of subsec­

tion (2) of section eighty-six; or

a legal practitioner or patent agent entitled to prac­
tise as a trade mark agent in terms of section eighty­

"Trade Marks Office" means the Trade Marks Office estab­
lished under section three;
"transmission" means transmission by operation of law. devolu­
tion on the legal representative of a deceased person and
any other mode of transfer not being assignment;
(2) References in this Act to the use of a mark shall be construed
as references to the use of a printed or other visual representation of
the mark, and references therein to the use of a mark in relation to

Select target paragraph3