[21st Apri12014]

Supplement to Official Gazette

"producer" of an audio-visual work or a phonogram
means the natural person or legal entity that
undertakes the initiative and responsibility for the
making of the audio-visual work m· phonogram;
"public performance" means­

in the case of a work other than an audio­
visual work, the recitation, playing, dancing,
acting or othervvise performing the work,
either directly or by means of any device or

(ii) 	 in the case of an audio-visual work, the
showing of images in sequence and the
making of accompanying sounds audible; or
(iii) 	 in the case of a phonogram, making the
recorded sounds audible,
at a place or places where persons outside the
normal circle of the family and its closest
acquaintances are or can be present;
"publication" and "published" in respect of a work,
or a phonogram, is the making of tangible copies
available to the public in a reasonable quantity for
sale, rental, public lending or for other transfer of
the ownership or the possession of the copies,
provided that, in the case of a work, the making
available to the public took place with the consent
of the author or other owner of copyright, and in the
case of a phonogram, a fixation of a performance
with the consent of the producer of the phonogram
or his successor in title;
"Registrar" means the Registrar of Copyrights
appointed under section28(1);


Select target paragraph3