Supplement to Oflcial Gazette


Act 2 of 2000

[23rd October 20061

2- The Broadcasting and TelecommunicationAct, 2000 is
amended in section 3 by inserting the following subsections
after subsection (2) -

"(3) Subject to subsection (41, a licence referred to in
subsection (I) to provide a broadcasting service shall only be
granted to a body corporate incorporated by or under an Act of
Seychelles and shall not be granted to an applicant if the

applicant (a)

already holds a licence or directly, or
indirectly controls or is controlled by a body
corporate which already holds a licence;


is a religious organisation or a body
corporate which is affiliated to a religious


is apoliticalparty or a body corporate which
is affiliatedto a political party;


has been adjudged bankrupt or declared
insolvent or has been convicted of sedition
or any offence involving fraud or

(4) Subsection (3) shall not apply to any person
holding a licence at the time of coming into operation of that
subsection as regards the continuation of operations under the

licence or the renewal of the licence.".
I certify that this is a correct copy of the Bill which was
passed by the NationalAssembly on 3rd October, 2006.

Sheila Banks
CIerk to the National Assembly

Select target paragraph3