
Official Gazelle

[13th March]

(3) Any apparatus forfeited under subsection (2) shall be
disposed of in such manner as the Minister may direct.
obtaining of
telecommunication services

22. Any person who dishonestly obtains, or helps another person to so obtain telecommunication services with intent to avoid
payment of any charge applicable for th~ provision of such service is guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction t!\
fine ofR2000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.



23. Any person who prevents, hinders or obstructs any person
in the exercise of his functions under th is Act is gu iIty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine ofR I000 and to
imprisonment for 1 year.

Failure to carry
6l1t orders



24. An:yperson who fails or refuses to comply with any order
given un,der section 15, 16,32,33 or 36 is guilty of an offence and
shall bel iable on conviction to a fine of R I000 and to imprisonment for4-] year and to a further fine of R 100 for each da\ he
continu~toicommit the offence after conviction.
25. Any-person who wilfully destroys or damages any broadcasting apparatus or telecommunication apparatus is gu iIty of an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a tine of R2000 and to
imprisonment for 2 years.

with services.

26. Any person who wilfully and unlawt'tdly interteres with ,111\
broadcasting service, broadcasting transm ission taci Iity. telecommunication service, telecommunication taci Iity or radio communication network is guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine ofR2000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.

relating to
masters and

27. Forthe purpose of proceedings underor in accordance with
this Act for any offence committed on board a ship or aircraft. the
master or captain or the person appearing to be in command or
charge of the ship or aircraft is presumed to be responsible for the
act or OIllission constituting the otfence.

Select target paragraph3