9. total or partial reproduction by any
2. The various forms of use or exploitation of the
intellectual work shall be independent of one
another and the exercise of any of them by the
author or by a dulyauthorized person shall not
prejudice the exercise of the remaining forms
by the author or by third parties.
1. The exclusive right to enjoy and use the
intellectual work recognized in Article 4 shall
include the right to disclose and exploit it
economically in any direct or indirect form
under the terms and within the limitations of
this law.
2. From an economic point of view, the
guarantee of the pecuniary benefits resulting
from such exploitation shall constitute the
fundamental matter covered by the legal
protection which derives from the copyright.
Article 63
In accordance with established use, the reproduction of
extracts of works which have not yet fallen into the
public domain by public entities, libraries, archives
and scientific institutions, for their own use or for the
private use of those requesting them shall be permitted.
The users must however, be expressly warned that
these reproductions may not be used commercially
without the consent of the authors.
Article 62
1. According to its type and nature, the
intellectual work may be used or exploited in
any form, whether currently known or
unknown. To that end, the author shall, inter
alia, enjoy the exclusive right to carry out or to
authorize the following actions:
1. publication, by printing or by any
other method, of graphic reproduction;
2. performance, recital, execution,
exhibition or display to the public;
3. cinematographic reproduction,
adaptation, performance, execution
and distribution;
4. fixing, or adapting to any apparatus
destined for the mechanical, electrical
or chemical reproduction of the work
and its performance, broadcast or
rebroadcast to the public by such
5. broadcast by photography,
telephotography, television, radio or
by any other process of reproduction
of signals, sounds or images, as well
as public communication by
loudspeaker or similar instruments, by
wire or wireless means, of the
broadcast work, when such
communication is carried out by an
organization other than the original
6. any form of indirect appropriation;
7. translation and adaptation into a
language different from that in which
the original work was created;
8. transformation, alteration,
arrangement, instrumentation,
extension or mere use in another work;
Article 64
1. The owner of the copyright shall have the
exclusive right to select freely the procedures
and conditions of the intellectual work’s use
and exploitation.
2. In the case of the death of the author or if he
has been absent for over 20 years, or if the
absent author would have reached the age of
95, it shall fall to the heirs, recognized or
presumed, of the author to decide on the use of
his as yet undisclosed works, unless their
disclosure or exploitation has been prohibited
in any way.
3. Should it be decided to use the work, the heirs
may do so directly, or they may authorize a
third party to do so, indicating or not the
processes and conditions of use. If there is
disagreement between the heirs with regard to
the disclosure or form of use of the work, the
majority opinion shall prevail; if there is a
stalemate, the judge in the place where the
estate was opened shall decide at the request of
any of the interested parties.
Article 65
1. The heirs or representatives of the author who
use a posthumous work, or authorize its use,
by any means, shall have the same rights
regarding the works as would have belonged
to the deceased if he had used the work or
authorized its use while alive.