— one or more drawings if required for the understanding of the description;
— a descriptive abstract of the invention.
The request shall specify the title of the invention, the surname and forename of the
applicant and his address, the surname and forename of the inventor and, where applicable,
the surname, forename and address of the agent.
The description of the invention shall be sufficiently clear and complete for a person
skilled in the corresponding field of technology to carry it out.
The claims shall be based on the description and shall specify the extent of the patent
protection sought.
The descriptive abstract shall briefly set forth the main technical features of the
invention. It shall serve the purposes of technical information alone.
22. The application shall be filed in writing in one of the three languages Arabic,
French or English.
The application shall be subject to the payment of royalties, the amount of which shall
be set by decree.
23. A patent application may not apply to more than one invention or to one set of
inventions so connected between themselves that they constitute a single general inventive
24. The applicant who wishes to avail himself of the priority of an earlier application
filed in a foreign country that is a member of the Paris Union or of the World Trade
Organization is obliged to file a written statement with his application that specifies the filing
date, the country in which the filing was made and the surname and forename of the applicant,
and to pay the priority fee the amount of which shall be set by decree.
The applicant is also obliged, on pain of forfeiture of the right of priority, to produce,
within three months of the filing date, a copy of the earlier application, certified as being true
to the original by the entity responsible for industrial property of the country in which that
application was filed, accompanied by a translation thereof in the language in which the
application referred to in Article 22 of this Law was filed.
The applicant is obliged, at the request of the entity responsible for industrial property,
to provide it with any other document concerning the earlier application and, where
applicable, concerning any other application filed in another country. Those documents shall
include the following in particular:
— a copy of any document received by the applicant and pertaining to the findings of
any search or examination carried out in relation to the application in which the publications
or other documents establishing the state of the art are mentioned;
— a copy of any application other than the earlier application that relates to the same
invention, or essentially to the same invention, and the priority of which is claimed;
— a copy of any final judgment rejecting the application.
Two or more priorities may be claimed for one patent application, even if they originate
in different countries. Where applicable, two or more priorities may be claimed for one

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