Law No. 2000-84 of August 24, 2000,
on Patents 1
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Chapter III:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Chapter IV:
Chapter V:
Chapter VI:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Chapter VII:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Chapter VIII:
Chapter IX:
Chapter X:
Chapter XI:
Chapter XII:
Chapter XIII:
Chapter XIV:

Patentable Inventions ....................................................
Right to the Patent
General Provisions ........................................................
Inventions of Salaried Employees.................................
The Patent Application..................................................
Filing of the Application ...............................................
Examination of the Application ....................................
Withdrawal of the Application......................................
Grant of the Patent ........................................................
Appeals .........................................................................
Rights and Obligations Under the Patent
Rights Under the Patent ................................................
Obligations Under the Patent ........................................
Renunciation, Invalidity and Forfeiture
Renunciation .................................................................
Forfeiture ......................................................................
Transfer, Assignment and Seizure of Rights.................
Contractual Licenses .....................................................
Compulsory Licenses....................................................
Ex Officio Licences ......................................................
Infringement and Sanctions...........................................
Border Measures ...........................................................
Miscellaneous Provisions..............................................

9 - 18
20 - 28
29 - 31
33 - 38
39 - 45
46 - 50
51 - 53
55 - 59
60 - 61
63 - 68
69 - 77
78 - 81
82 - 90
91 - 99
100 - 103

In the name of the people,
The Chamber of Deputies having adopted it,
The President of the Republic hereby promulgates the Law that reads as follows:
Chapter I
Patentable Inventions
1. Any invention of a product or manufacturing process may be protected by a title,
known as a patent, which is granted by the entity responsible for industrial property under the
conditions specified by this Law.
2. The patent shall be granted for novel inventions that involve an inventive step and
are capable of industrial application.

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Select target paragraph3