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Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 39

23 July, 2007… Page


31. Protecting the Well-being of Children

radio or television transmission programs that
may corrupt the outlook of children or harm
their feelings and thinking or encourage them
to undesirable behavior shall not be
transmitted at hours during which children
normally watch or listen to such programs.

2/ Children are presumed not to listen or
watch to radio or television transmissions
from 11:00 o’clock in the evenings up to
5:00 o’clock in the morning.
32. National, Regional and Local Transmission

1/ Any national transmission program shall
allocate at least 60% of its weekly
transmissions to national programs.

Any regional transmission program shall
allocate at least 60% of its weekly
transmissions to programs that relate to
regional affairs.


Any local transmission program shall allocate
at least 60% of its weekly transmissions to
programs that relate to the local affairs.

33. Advertisements
1/ Any advertisement shall be transmitted in
a manner that clearly differentiates it from
other programs. It shall not also affect the
contents of other programs.

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2/ Commercial advertisement shall be
truthful, not misleading and publicize
lawful trade activities.

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3/ The transmission of malicious or
undermining advertisement on the
products or services of others shall be

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Broadcasting advertisement by interrupting
any program the transmission time of which is
not more than 20 minutes or children’s
program shall be prohibited.

#4. ¾}ŸKŸK< Te¨mÁ−‹
34. Prohibited Advertisements
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Broadcasting the following advertisements
shall be prohibited:

Select target paragraph3