

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R. #9 ሐምሌ 06 qN 09Í·9 ›.M

Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 39

23 July, 2007… Page


1/ የ‫ץם‬ዓ‫ ـ‬ፆٍ እኩָነُን፣ የሴِ٤ ‫ר‬ብአዊ
‫א‬ብُና ክብ‫ץ‬ን የ‫ג‬ያንኳስ‫ש‬ና የ‫ג‬ጋፉ
‫ד‬ናْው‫ד ו‬ስٍወ‫שּׂ‬ያዎ٤


2/ ¾c=Ò^“ c=Ò^ ’¡ Te¨mÁ−‹&

2/ cigarette and cigarette related advertisements;

3/ ¾›Å”³»’ƒ
¾T>SKŸ~ Te¨mÁ−‹&


4/¾›M¢M SÖ“†¨< Ÿ02 uS„ uLà ¾Jኑ
SÖÙ‹” ¾T>SKŸ~ Te¨mÁ−‹&
5/ T“†¨<U ÁK NŸ=U ƒ°³´ K=cÖ<
¾TËK< Sɏ’>„‹” uk؁ }ÖnT>
”Ç=ѳ ¾T>Ñóñ Te¨mÁ−‹&
6/ K?KA‹ uQÓ ¾T>ŸKŸK< Te¨mÁ−‹::
#5. KTe¨mÁ ¾T>SÅw Ñ>²?
¾Te¨mÁ ×u=Á "MJ’ uk` uT“†¨<U
¾Y`߃ ×u=Á KTe¨mÁ ¾T>SÅu¨<
Ñ>²? Ÿ¾°K~ ¨ÃU Ÿ›”É Ÿ}K¾ ኘaÓ^U
¾Y`߃ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ Ÿ@ uS„ SwKØ
#6. ueþ”c` eKT>k`w ኘaÓ^U

Any advertisement that violetes gender
equality and that disregards the dignity and
human rights of women

3/ advertisements related to narcotic drugs;
4/ advertisements of liquors with more than
12% alcoholic contents;
5/ advertisements that encourage users to
buy medicine that cannot be administered
without medical prescription;
6/ other advertisements prohibited by law.
35. Allocation of Advertisement Period
Unless it is an advertisement broadcasting
station, any broadcasting station shall not
allocate more than 20% of its daily
transmission or in a particular programme
time for advertisements.
36. Sponsored Program

1/ ueþ”c` ¾T>k`w ፕaÓ^U òƒ“
¾Ñ>²? WK?Ç ueþ”c\ }î°• Y`
S¨<Åp ¾KuƒU:: u}KÃU uፕaÓ^S<
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›ÑMÓKAƒ ”Ç=gØ ¨ÃU ”Ç=Ÿ^Ã
Skeke ¾KuƒU::

1/ The content and timetable of a
sponsored program shall not fall under
the influence of the sponsor. In particular,
a sponsored program shall not agitate
the sale or hire of the sponsor’s products
or services.

2/ Te¨mÁ ”ÇÃ’Ñ`L†¨< uQÓ ¾}Ÿ
KŸK< U`„‹” ¾T>ÁS`~ ¨ÃU ¾T>
gÖ< ¨ÃU ›ÑMÓሎ„‹” ¾T>Ák`u<
c−‹ eþ”c` K=J’< ›Ã‹K<U::

2/ Persons who produce or sell goods or
render services whose advertisement is
prohibited by law shall not be sponsors.

3/ ueþ”c\“ u×u=Á¨< S"ŸM eUU’ƒ
"M}Å[Ñ uk` eþ”c` u}Å[Ñ< ፕaÓ
^V‹ ×Mn K?KA‹ ¾”ÓÉ Te
¨mÁ−‹ ”Ç=Ñu< ›ÃðkÉU::

3/ Unless otherwise agreed between the
commercial advertisements may not be
transmitted by interrupting sponsored

4/ ueþ”c` uT>k`w ፕaÓ^U ¾eþ”c`
SËS]Á“ SÚ[h LÃ SÑKê ›Kuƒ::

4/ The name of the sponsor shall be
announced at least at the beginning and
end of every sponsored program.

Select target paragraph3