5} the period of preservation of the processed data;
6} the officers} responsible for executing the processing, as well as the
categories of persons who, by virtue of their functions or for service
requirements, have direct access to the recorded data.;
7) the recipients to whom such data may be disclosed;
8} the function of the person or department to wtlOm application shall be
made for right of access;
9} the steps taken to ensure the security of the processing and of the
10)an indication that the data is processed by a data processor;

11)where personal data is expected to be transferred to third countries
that are not members of ECOWAS or UEMOA, subject to reciprocity.
Article 8:


The data protecl1on Authority shall give its opinion within a set period of time
starting from the date of receipt of the request for opinion or authOrisation.
Nevertheless, this period of time mayor may no! be extended, on the basis of a
reasoned deciSion of the data protection Authority.
Article 9:

Medium for the opinion or request for notification

The opinion or notification or request for authorisation may be sent to the data
protection Authority by postal or e~ctronic medium.
Article 10:

Exemption from declaration

For the most common categories of personal data processing that are not likely
to violate privacy or liberties, the protection Authority may draw up and publish
standards aimed at simplifying or waiving the notification obligation.
Article 11:

Exemption from formalities

The following shall not be subject to the preconditions indicated in the Articles
I} ProcesSing mentioned under Article 4 of this Supplementary Act;
2) Processing with the sole objective of keeping an exclusively private




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