3) the categories of data involved;
4) the recipient or recipients to whom the data is likely to be disclosed;
5) the ability

to request removal from the file;

6) the existence of a right of access to data concerning him, and to
rectification of such data;
7) the period of preservallon of the processed data;
8) the possibility of any transfer of data to a third country.

Article 39:

Right of access

Any individual whose personal data is the subject of processing may request
from the data controller by way of questions:
1) information enabling them to be informed of and conlest such processing;
2) confirmation of the fact that the persona! data of which that individual is
Ihe data subject is or is not being processed;
3) disclosure of persona! data of which that individual is the data subject, as
weil as any available information about the origin of such data;
4) information relating to the purposes of the processes, the categories of
personal data processed and the recipients or classes of recipients to
whom they are disclosed.
Article 40:

Right to object

1) An individual is entitled, for leg~imate reasons, to object to processing of
personal data of which he is the data subject.
2) Such an individual is enti~ed, on the one hand, to be informed prior to personal
data of which that individual is the data subject being disclosed for the first time
to a third party or used on behalf of a third party for purposes of prospecting, and
on the other hand, to be given expressly the right to object, free of charge, to
such disclosure or use.
Article 41:

Right to rectification and destruction

If personal data of which an individual is the data subject are inaccurate,
incomplete, questionable, outdated or prohibited from collection, use, disciosure
or preservation, he is entitled to ask the data controller to have such data
rectified, supplemented, updated, blocked or destroyed, as appropriate.

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Select target paragraph3