10} the processing is carried out in the coul1!e of its legitimate activ~ies
by a foundation, an association or any other non-profit making body
that exists for political, philosophical, religious, mutual benef~ or
trade union purposes, Nevertheless, such processing shall relate
only to membel1! of such a body or individuals who have regular
contact with it in connection w'rth its purpose and shall not involve
disclosure of personal data to third parties without the consent of tile
pel1!ons concerned.
Article 32:

Case of personal data processing carried out for purposes
of journalism, research, artistic or literary expression

Processing of personal data that is carried out for the purposes of journalism,
research, artistic or literary expression shall be allowed when such processing is
executed solely for the purposes of literary and artistic expression; or in the
exerc'lse of the professional activfty of joumalist or researcher. in compliance w~h
the ethical rules oftl1ese professions.
Article 33;

Application of the provisiOns of the law relating to the print
media or the audiOvisual and criminal law sector

The proviSions of this Supplementary Act shall not preclude the enforcement of
legal provisions relating to the wrftten or aUdiovisual press and the criminal code,
whiCh stipulate the conditions for exercising the right to response and prevent,
limit. redress and, where necessary, punish infringements of privacy and the
reputation of individuals.
Article 34:

Prohibition of direct prospecting

Within the ECOWAS space, direct prospecting by whatever means of
communication, using pSl1!onal data in any fooo of an individual who has not
slated his prior consent to receiving sud! prospecting shall be prohibited.
Article 35:

Basis of a Court decision

1) No court decision implying an assessment of the behaviour of an individual
shall be based on the processing by automatic means of personal data for
the purpose of evaluating certain aspects of their pel1!onality
2) No decision that has legal effect on an individual shall be based solely on
processing by automatic means of personal data for the purpose of defining the
profile of the sibject or evaluating certain aspects of their pel1!onality.

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Select target paragraph3