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(3) A document purporting to be signed for or on behalf of an
association of persons may be signed by any person who appears to
the Registar to be duly qualified.
11. (l) All applications, notices, statements, papers having repre­
sentations affixed or other documents authorized or required by the
Act or these Rules to be made, left or sent, at or to rhe office,
or with or to the Registrar or the court or any other person, may be
sent through the post by a prepaid or official paid letter.

Service of

(2) Any application or any document so sent shall be deemed to
have been made. left or sent at the time when the letter containing the
same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post; and in proving
the sending it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter was properly
addressed and put into the post.

, 12. (1) \Vhere any person is by the Act or these Rules bound
to furnish the Registrar with an address, the adress given shall
in all cases be as full as possible, for the purpose of enabling any
person easily to find the place of trade or business of the person
whose address is given.


(2) The Registrar may require the address to include the name of
the street and the plot number in the s~reet of the premises.
13. (1) The Registrar may require an applicant, opponent or
agent, or a registered proprietor or registered user of a trade mark,
who does not reside· or ca rry on business within Kenya to give an
address for service within. Kenya, and that address may be treated
as the actual address of that person for all purposes connected with
the matter in question.

Address for

(2) Any registered proprietor or registered user of a trade mark,
or any person about to be registered as such, may give in form
TM 32 an address for service for entry in the register, and such
address may be entered by the Registrar.
(3) All applications in form 'TM 32 under this rule shall be signed
by the applicant for registration or the registered proprietor or regis­
tered user, as the case may be, or by an agent expressly authorized
by, him for the purpose of such an application, unless in exceptional
circumstances the Registrar otherwise allows.
(4) In any case in which no address lor service is entered in the
register, the Registrar may treat the trade or business address of the
registered proprietor or registered user as therein entered as his address
for service for all purposes connected with the registration.
(5) Any written communication addressed to a party or person as
aforesaid at an address given by him, or treated by the Registrar, as
his address for service shall be deemed to be properly addressed.
(6) The Registrar, at any time that a doubt arises as to the con­
tinued availability of an address for service entered in the register, may
request the person for whom it is entered, by letter addressed to- his
trade or business address in the register. to confirm the address for
service. and if within three months of making such a request the
Registrar receives no confirmation of that address he may strike it off
the register.
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