IPIN/ 1/KENfT /1

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L.N. 5751\1956,



L.N. l~l/l975.

1. These Rules may be cited as the Trade Marks Rules.

Short title.

2. In these Rules, except where the context otherwise requires­


"agent" means an advocate, and any person who before the
appointed day was a Trade Mark Agent recognized by the Registrar;
"the office-, means the office of the Registrar;
"specification" means the designation of goods in respect of which
a trade mark, or a registered user of a trade mark, is registered or
proposed to be registered.
. and, Forms
3.. The fees to be. paid .in relation to trade marks shall be those
prescribed in the First Schedule.
4. The forms referred to herein are the forms c;ontained in the
Fourth Schedule, and those forms shall be ·used in all cases to which
they are applicable and shall he modified as directed by the Registrar
to 'meet other cases.


Classification of Goods
5.. (1) For the purposes of trade marks registrations dated before
the appointed day, and of registrations of registered users thereunder,
goods are classified in the manner appeajing in the Second Schedule,
unless any specification .has 'been ·converted to the Third Schedule
in accordance with rule 6.

Classlfication of

(2) For the purposes of trade marks registrations dated on or
after the appointed day, and of registrations of registered users there­
under, and for the purposes of any registrations dated before that day
whereof the specifications have been converted in accordance with
rule 6, goods are classified in the manner appearing in the Third

Re-Classification of Goods of Old Registrations
6. (1) Where the specification of a registered trade mark is Application by
founded on the Second Schedule, the registered proprietor may apply . registered pro­
prietors for
to the Registrar in Form TM 43. for the conversion of that specification conversion of
so that it may be founded on the Third Schedule, whether with or specif cations.
without the striking-out of goods therefrom, hut so that the registration
retains its original date, and shall include in the application a request
for the same conversion of the specification of the goods of any
registered users under that registration.
(2) Thereupon .the Registrar in accordance with subsection (3) of
section 39 of the Act shall' u9ii,fy'
writing to the registered
proprietor a proposal showing .the form which, in the Registrar's view,
the amendment of. theregistershould take,

in ,.

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Select target paragraph3