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Class 16

Porcelain and earthenware.
Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or
Class 18

Engineering, architectural and building contrivances.
Class 19

Arms, ammunition and stores, not included in Class 20.
Class 20

Explosive substances.

Class 21

Naval architectural contrivances and
. included in other classes.


equipments not

Class 22


Class 23

(a) Cotton yarn.

(b) Sewing cotton.

Class 24

Cotton piece goods.

Class 25

Cotton goods not included in other classes.
Class 26

Linen and hemp yarn and thread.
Class 27

Linen and hemp piece goods.
Class 28

Linen and hemp goods not included in other classes.

Class 29

Jute yams and tissues, and other articles made of jute, not included
in other classes.

Class 30

Silk, spun, thrown or sewing.
Class 31

Silk piece goods.
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