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the purpose of the application he shall instead send the notice to the
agent and shall send a duplicate thereof to the applicant:
(2) If after fourteen days from the date when the notice was sent,
or such further time as the Registrar may allow, the registration is not
completed, the application shall be deemed to be abandoned.

Entry in

Entry in the Register, and Associated Marks
60. (1) As soon as may be after the expiration .of sixty days from
the date of the advertisement in the Gazette of any application for the
registration of a trade mark, the Registrar ~haU, subject to' any opposi­
tion and the dete~mination thereof, and subject to the provisions of
subsection (l) of section 22 of the Act, and upon payment of the
prescribed fee in form TM 9, enter the trade mark in the register..
(2) The entry of a trade mark in a register shalf give the date of
registration, the goods in respect of which-It is registered together with
the particulars of the trade, business, profession, occupation or other
description of the proprietor, particulars of any undertakings of the
proprietor entered on the form of application, particulars affecting the
scope of the registration or the rights conferred by the registration, and
such other particulars as are prescribed.
(3) In the case of an application which the Registrar accepts
only after the applicant has lodged tbewritten consent to the
proposed registration of the registered proprietor of another trade mark
or another applicant for registration, the entry in the register shall
state' that it is "By Consent" and shall give the number of the
previous registration or the application for registration.


61. (1) Where a mark is registered as associated with any other
mark or. marks, the Registrar shall note in the register in connexion
with the first-mentioned mark the numbers of the marks with which
it- is associated, and shall also note in the register in connexion with
each of the associated mal ks the number of the first-mentioned mark
as being a mark associated therewith.
(2) An application by a registered' proprietor under subsection (5)
of section 26 of the Act to the Registrar to dissolve the associa­
tion between two or more' associated trade marks shall be made in
form TM 18, and shall include a statement of the grounds of the

Death of
applicant before

62. In case of· the death of any applicant for the registration of a
trade mark after the date of his application and before the trade mark
applied for has been entered in the register, the Registrar, after the
expiration of the prescribed period of advertisement and the deter­
mination of any opposition to the application, may, on being satisfied
of the applicant's death, enter in the register, in place of the name of
the deceased applicant, the name, address and description of the
person owning the trade mark, on ownership being proved to
the satisfaction of the Registrar.

Certificate of

63. Upon the registration of a trade .mark the Registrar shall issue
to the applicant a certificate in form TM lOA, and shall affix thereto
a copy of the mark, which may be a representation thereof supplied
by ·the applicant under rule 23.
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Select target paragraph3