

WI-IEREAS, 111ealllllgtLJl lndustnalization has eluded us for more than 1';0 vears due to both internal
and external Impediments coupled With the lack of the political wdl, 'oresipht and insight on the part
of our leaders,
WHEREAS. technology will not be transferred to a Third World country such as our without a set
of laws 011 the groulld to protect Industrial properties consistent with International standard,
WHEREAS, consistent with national interests
Governance under tile Rule of Law ,


the establishment and promotion of Good

\VHEREAS, indusu rahzauon In the Third Millcmuum is one of the foremost priorities of the NPP-Ied
WHEREAS, uniform and comprehensive code for the protecuon and promotion of industrial
property, is the best Incentive and guarantee for the attraction of foreign investment into this country,
WHEREAS, scientists, inventors, arnsts, engineers, both local and foreign, must be encouraged to
actively engage themselves in the industrialization process oft/lis country by recognizing the fruits
of then mvenuve and intellectual endeavors thereby creating a just and conducive business
WIILRL:\S, It has become desirable and necessary at this pomt rn time for Government to put in
place n specialized agencv consisting of technocrats who will carer directly to matters related to
industrial properties exclusively for the Republic of Liberia both locally and internationally,

NOW, THER.EFORE, It IS enacted bv the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Republic
of Liberia, 111 Legislature Assembled

Select target paragraph3