Regulation 6—Acceptance or Refusal of Applications.
(1) After such search, and consideration of the application, and of any evidence of
use or of distinctiveness or of any other matter which the applicant may or may be
required to give, the Registrar may accept the application absolutely, or he may
object to it, or he may express his willingness to accept it subject to such conditions,
amendments, disclaimer, modifications or limitations as he may think right to impose.
(2) The Registrar may refuse to accept any application for registration of a mark
upon which there appears:(i) the representation of the head of state or any member of Government; or
(ii) the representation of the Ghana Coat of Arms and the national Flag or any
representation thereof so nearly resembling any of them as to be likely to mislead or
to cause confusion.
(3) Where a representation of the armorial bearings, insignia, orders of chivalry,
decorations or flags of any state, city, town place, society, body corporate, institution
or person appears on an application, the Registrar shall be furnished with a written
consent to the registration and use of such emblems from such official or other
person as appears to the Registrar to be entitled to give consent and in default of
such consent he shall refuse to accept the application.
Regulation 7—Notice of Objection.
If the Registrar objects to the application, he shall inform the applicant of his
objections in writing, and unless within two months the applicant applies for a
hearing or makes a considered reply in writing to those objections he shall be
deemed to have withdrawn his application.
Regulation 8—Notice of Registrar's Conditions, etc.
(1) If the Registrar is willing to accept the application subject to any conditions,
amendments, disclaimer, modifications or limitations, he shall communicate such
proposal to the applicant in writing and if the applicant objects to any such proposal
he shall within one month of the d ate of such proposal apply for a hearing or
communicate his considered objections in writing, and if he does not do so he shall
be deemed to have withdrawn his application.
(2) If the applicant does not object to any such proposal he shall forthwith notify the
Registrar in writing of his acceptance, and alter his application accordingly.
Regulation 9—Decision of Registrar.
(1) The decision of the Registrar, at a hearing as in Regulation 7 or 8, or without a
hearing if the applicant has communicated his considered objections or considered