Electronic and Postal Communications (Tariffs)
G.N. No. 421 (contd)
(5) Where the Authority does not approve the tariffs
proposed by a licensee for regulated service and recommends
the licensee to make the adjustment specified to the proposed
tariffs, the licensee shall adjust the proposed tariff
(6) The Authority may review tariffs or tariff
structure for regulated services as it deems fit.
Review of
tariffs for
7.- (1) A licensee who wishes to review the tariffs for
a regulated service shall file with the Authority its application
for review of its tariffs at least sixty days before the proposed
review is intended to come into effect.
(2) The obligation which relates to the provisions of
regulated services shall cease when a licensee ceases to be
dominant or the market segment becomes competitive.
Notice on
review of
tariffs for
8.-(1) The Authority shall, at least fourteen days after
receiving an application for tariff review under these
regulations, place a notice in printed electronic media in
English and Kiswahili for the purposes of inviting objection or
representation to the proposed tariff and in such other manner
as it considers necessary.
(2) The notice referred to under paragraph (1) shall(a)
contain the name and particulars of the licensee
or class of licensee providing the service to
which the tariffs relate;
state the new tariff and reasons for the proposed
review of the tariff; and
specify the period, which shall not be less than
thirty days, within which written objections or
representations to the proposed new tariff may
be made.
(3) The Authority shall, in considering the application
for tariff review take into account any written representations
or objections received under sub-regulation.