Umty r4.
(2) A1l elements (yf the appllioartIion shaH be so presented as
U> admit of direct reproduction by photog'I1a.phy, electrostaJtic
processes, photJo off-set and miorofilming .
. (3) Only one side of each sh~ oon<tJained in the appltication
shahl be used.
(4) Ali elements of the appllioationsnal:l be on p'aper w'b!ich
is f1eXlible, strong, white, smooth, rum-shiny and durClible.
(5) The ·size of the sheets shall be A4 (29.7 em X 21 am)
but rtlh.e RegilStrer may ,accept sheets of other sizes.
(6) The minimum margins of sheets shall be as fo~lOW'S,
(,a) upper margin of each page, except the i!i!rnt pa~:
(b) upper margin of the fJrst page: 30 mm;
(c) side margin adjaceIllt to the binding: 25 mm;
(d) other side margin: 20 mm;
(e) bottom margin: 20 mm.
(7) AlB sheets shall be numbered at the top of the Sheet, in
the middle, in consecutive arabic numel'!als.
(8) In effecting the sequenti1al numbering of the sheets, the
elements of the ,ap!)lJieation shall be placed in ithe foll<YWIing order,
(,a) the request;
(b) rthe description;
(c) the claims;
(d) tlhe abSitract; and
(e) the drawings.
(()) The sequentJal numbering of the sheets shall 00 effect·
ed by UJsing rjjhree separate series of numoori'ng, the first sel~j~
applyting to the request only and commencing v:~ ~.h the first shem
of the request, 'the second series commencing wirth the first sheet
of Ithe description and continuing through the daUms lliltil the
1ast Isheet ryf the ahstI1act, and the third series being applJica:ble
to the sheelts .of the drawings only and commencing wi th the first
sheet of the drawings,
(10) 'Dhe text matter of the application shaH be typed gra·
phic \Symbols, chemical orr ma'thematical fionnulae and C€rta'in
characters, if necessary, may be handwritten or drawn,
(11) Drawings shall be executed in durable black, suffiaien t·
ly dense and dark, uniformly thick and well-defined Line<> and
strokes without coi'ourings.
16 (1) SediO'l1 8 (1) Slhall be construed as permitting, in par·
ticular, one of the fol,lowing three possibilities,
(a) in addition to an independent claim for a given product,
,the inclusion in the same application of an independent
c1:airn for a process speei'aUy adapted fur the manufac
ture of the said product and the inclUlS'ion in the Game
application of an independent claim fur a use of the said