------------------------------SUllxm.i1lteci either as an amended dllaim or as a new olJa:im.
(7) The deletion of any clalim pl"e'Yiously .aippeIlll"ing in fue
applti.cationshall be made by 'indiloating the number of tlhe ~
Vi.ous clalm foUQWed by the word "oan-cell1ed".
12. Fl:ow Sheets and diagTrams are considered rt:o be drawings.
13. (1) Th.e 3lbstmct 'Shafl be ,so dralfted tjhat.it ~n efficl'en~
ly serve as a scanning tool for purposes of searebllng m th~ parti
cu'har art.
(2) The abswact shall oonsist of the following,
(a) a summary of tJhe disclosure a:s contailned in the des
cri'ptJion, itJhe oLaims, and any drawings, indi~aJting the
tedhn'ical field to wMoh the invention pertains and drlaf
ted in a way whdCib a1J1ows the dear undemtandling of
the Itechnical 'Prob'lem, the gist of the solution O'f tba-t
problem through the invention ami tJhe principa'l UISe or
uses of the invention; and
(b) where ,appLicable, tlhe chemical formuLa whlich, amoog
al11Jhe fOrnl,w'ae conlta:ined 'in 1!he apphlcation, best oha
racterises the invention.
(3) The a1bstrnct shall be as concise a:s tile w'sciosure pel'
mi ts, prefef1ably 50 to 150 words.
(4) The ,abstJf1act shal'l n{)t containsta<tements on the aHeged
meI1i1ls or value ,of the invention or on its sp.ocula'tive appLication.
(5) EJach ma:in technical feature mentioned in 'the abstract
and Hlustrated by ,a drawing ,in the appHcaition shall be followed
by a reference sign, placed between parentheses.
(6) The abstract ,shaH be ,accompanied by the most illu
st.ratdve 'of any dr:awings furnilshed by the applicant.
14. (1) Units of weights and measures shall be expressed
in the metI;'i'csy'stem.
(2) Temperaltures ;shall be expressed in degrees centigrade
(Cel:sius) .
(3) Densilty shall be ex;pressed in metric units,
(4) For indications 00 heat, ene'rgy, ~ight, sound and mag
netism, as well as fOir ma1tJhematical formulae and electrical units
rules in general use ,shall be observed.
(5) For chemical formu1a:e,tJhe symools, altomic weights and
molecular formulae in general use ,shaH be employed.
(6) In general, only suoh techntioal terms, signs and symbols
shall be used aJS are generaHy accepted in the art.
(7) The terminology and the signs shall be oons<i.steIllt
throughout the applicati<on.
15. (1 ~ Subject to regulaltion 19 (7), the applicatJi{)n and any
aocompanY'mgSltatements or documents shall be rued in three Numbar at
~ies, but ~he Regilstrar may require the applicant to supply ad oopjes and
pb.y&Ical r&
ditional COpIes.