addition to an independent claim for a given process,
the inol'UlSion in the same application of an independent
cLadm for an apparatus or means specifically designed
ror oarrying out tJhe satid process; or
(c) in addition to an independent cla·im fur a given produot,
~e inclu:si.on in tJhe same application of an independent
claim for a process specitahly adJaptOO for tlhe manui·ac
ture of the product, and t.he inclusion in the same appli
cation oi an independent claim for an apparrutus or
means specifically designed fOT carrying out tJhe pro
(2) Subject 00 section 8(1), it shall be permil'uted to include
in the same applliocal\:ion two or more independent clrums of the
same caJtegory which cannot readily be oovered by a single gen
eric claim.
(3) Subject to section 8(1), it shall be permitted to include
in the same app1i'cation a reasonable number of dependenrt claims,
a1ruiming iSpecific forms of the invention claimed ·inan indepen
dent claim.
(b) in
17. (1) A divisional application shall oontain a reference to Division all
the inilti,al ,appli-oatiOlIl.
(2) If the appUcant wishes a divisional applicati'On to bene
fit from any priority claimed for ·the initial app1ica1tion, the divi
sional appLioation shall contlJain a request to thart effect; in such a
case, ,the declaration of priority and the documents furnished in
aooordance with regulation 19 for the inHial application shall be
doomed ito Te~atealso to bhe divi·sional app1ication,
(3 Where the priorities of two or more earlier applications
were claimed fOT the initial applioation, a diVisional appliC'ation
may benefit only from ,the priority ·or priorities that are applica
ble to ,H.
18 (1) An applioant who wishes a disclosure of the inven
tion to be dri.sregarded in accordance .,vi th section 5 (4) for prior
art p11rpQses, shall 'so indicate on the application and shall fur
nis.h, in writing, with the application or within one month o.f
fi,1Jing the appl!ication, full particulars of the disclosure.
to !be diSN
garded for
prior art
. (2) Whe·re the di'sclosure was made at an exhibition, the ap
pl10ant shall file, within the same period, a dulv authenticated
certifioate i'ssued by the authority responsible for the exhibition
cont~ning particulars of the exhibition and stating that the in
ventlOn w<l;S in fact exhihited there,
19. (1) The declaration referred to in section 9 (1) shall
(a) the darte of the earlier application;
(b) the number of the earlier application, subject to sub
regulation (2);
(c) the symbol of the lrrternational Patent Classification
of priorDty
and trnnsLa
tion CJf ear
Lier appRlica