(c).discl.ose tlhe in'V'entionin such terms ttlJat it. can be ~.
derst:ood and state its a.d:wmtJa.geou.s ed!fects, .i!f any, WIth
reference to the background artt;
(d) 	 briefly describe the figures in the drawings, if any;
(e) 	 set foI1t.'h at least one mode contemp1aJted by the appli­
cant fur oarrydng out the ,invention; this shaJ'1 be oone in
terms of examples, Where appropriate, and with refe­

rence to

the drawings, if ,any;

(f) 	 indioate explicitly, when .it is IIlOt obvious


from the des­

crnrptioo or nlCltJure of the ,invention, the Wlay in whlC'h the
invention i'S industrirutly applicable and the Wlay lin whioh
it can be made ,and used, or, iff it can only bt! used, the way in
which it can be used.
'(2) The manner and order specified in sub-regulation (1)
shall be fb1JJowed exrept When, because of the ,IlIartJure CYf tJhe in­
ventJion, a ddtfferent manner or ,a d!irfferent oroer would :resul~ in
a better undeI'lStJandJing land ,a more oonci'se presenrtJa:tion.
11. 	 (1) The number 'Of the cLa'ims shall be reasonable
taking intoaooount ,the nature of the 'invention; ,if there are se­
veral cbruims, they ~hia!lJ. be numbered consecutively 'inaI'labic nu­
(2) The cliallmS sh~ldef'ine the ,invention in Iterms of the
technical features of the linvenlti'on.
(3) Whenever appropriate, daims shall contJa<in,
(Ia) a statement indicating Ithose techntoal features of th'"
inV'entJion which are necessary for 'the defiiruHJiO'l'l. of the
inventi,Oll bUlt which, 'in combination, aJre pa:rt of the

prior ,art;

(b) 	 ,a oharacterising pm11i'On preceded by the words "(Jh~­
racterised in that", "characterised by," "wherein the
improvement comprises," or any other words vo the
same effect, stating conCisely the Itechm.'o~l features
which, in combi,nation wirth the featu:res stJaJted under
pa:rograph (a), iti's desired to protect.
(4) OlJaJims ,shiaH nat, except where absolutely necessary,
rely, ,in respect O'f >trhetechll!ica:l features 'Of t'he inV'entri'on, on roe.
ferences to the description or drawings; in paI1ticular, they shall
not rely {)Ill such Teferencesas: "as described. in part ........................ of
the descI1ipti{)lll," or ",as illustrated. in figure ....._...._........... of Ithe dI'law­
(5) Where the application contains ciJ:1aWtings, the technical
featturos mentioned in the cl'airru; shall prefe:mbly be followed by
the refeT~nce signs reLating tD such features; when used, the re­
ferem:e SIgnS shaH pre~rably be placed between parentJheses; if
incluS'lOn of reference SlgnS does not particularly faCliLiJtate quick­
er understanding of a c1a'iiffi, ilt shaH not be made.
(6) Any cLaim submitted after the fiHng date of bhe applioa.
tli.on .and. whioh is !lot. idenrtJiflied with the claims previous1y ap.
pearlTIg m the appl!i,catlOn_shall, at llJ.e choice of the applicanf, be

Select target paragraph3