


(2) A docu.m.em PUI1pOrting no be si..gne<i f ()l" m" 00 behalf ex!
a body ~rate shall be signed by a directx:Jr or by the secretary
or ather principal ~r of the body corporate, or by any other
person Who satisfie5 t1he Registrar that he is authortised no sign
the document and Shatl bear the seaJ. of the body cxmporate.
(3) A document purpor:ting tx:> be silgned. for or on behalf of
8Itl assooi'ation ro persons may be signed by any person who satis­
rues the Registrar that he is duly aunhorise(L
(4) The Regiswar may, whenever he deems it necessary,
quest eV1idence ofauthomation to sign.


7. The power of alttorney appointirng an agent may be filed
together with file 'applli'cation or wi11hin two months from its filing
dJate; if the appointment is not thUIS made and is not made in res­
pect of an agent as dedlined. 'in sectJiJan 2 and in acc<m1ance Wiibh
regulation 57, pl"OCedural IstepS t'aken by tlhe agent, o1lher than
the 1.1iling CJf the appl!ication, shall be doomed not to have been


8. The Registrar shall apply the International Patent Cuassi­ Cla$jfloa­
of pa­
t'ioation, as adopted :under t1he Stl'lasbourg Agreement orf Mar:ch 24, bon
1971, and updated in its ISUibsequented!itions, for all purposes ~­
~ating to the grant and pubhcabion of pa:tents, as well as for the
maintenance of classtfiied <search files.
9. (1) The request 101' the grant ·of a patent shaH be made Request
grant ex! pa­
on Form No. 1 as set out in the Seccmd ScheduLe and shaJl he. tent
signet! by each applicant.
(2) The request shall indicate the applic~mt's name, ad­
dress, nationa:Hty and residence.
(3) Where the applicant is the inventor, the request shall
contain ,a statement to that effect and, where he is not, it shal1
indicate the in:ventor's name and address and be accompanied by
the ,statement justifying the apptl'icant's right to the patent.
(4) l!f the .applicant il'3 represented by an agent, the request
sba11so indicate and ,state the agent's name and address.
(5) The title of the invention s!1?" be short, preferably not
emeeding seV'OO words.
10, (1) 'I1he descriptloo shall .fIiTst sta1e the title of the in­


as appeaJring in the request and shall,

(a) 	 specify the toolmical field to which the invention re1ates;

(b) 	 indicate the background art which, as far as is known
to the appllicant, can be .regarded as useful for the under­
standing, searching and examiIliCiition orf the invention
and, preferably, ci te the dOC'UIDents reflecting such art;

Select target paragraph3