(4) The Registrar shall issue to t1h.e registered owner a cer­
tificate 01 renewal which shall contain,
(a) 	 the registration number of bhe mark;
(b) 	 the date of renewal and the date of the expiry;
(c) 	 the name and address of the registered owner; and
(d) 	 the list of goods or services in respect of which the mark
has been registered with an indication of the correspond­
ing class or classes of the International Classification.
54. Regulations 40 to 53 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to Oollecta.ve
collective marks subject to the following,
(a) 	 an application for registration 01 a collective mark
shall not be accepted unless, in the application for re­
gistration, the mark ·is designated as a collective mark,
and unless the application is accompanied by a copy of
the conditions governing the use of the mark, duly cer­
tified by the applicant. No legalization of such certifi­
cation shall be required;
(b) 	 the conditions governing the use of the collective mark
shall define the common characteristics or quality of
the goods or services which the collective mark shall de­
signate and the conditions under which and the persons
by whom it may be used; they shall provide for the
exercise of effective control of the use of the mark in
compliance with those conditions, and shall determine
adequate sanctions for any use contrary to the said oon­
(c) 	 a copy of the conditions governing the use of the mark
shall be appended to the registration of a collective
(d) publication of the registration of the collective mark, in
accordance with section 28 (8), shall include a summary
of the conditions appended to the registration;
(e) 	 notification of changes effected in the conditions gov­
erning the use of the mark shall be in wri ting;
(f) 	 all notifications of such changes shall be recorded in the
register. Changes in the condi tions shall have no effect
until such recording is made. A summary of the recore!­
ed changes shall be published;
(g) 	 for the purposes of use of the collective mark in COD­
nection with section 30 (4), the registered owner of a
collective mark may use the mark himself Dlw.'iden it is
also used by other autholised pers·oDs in- :1.:::cYl.rd2W£,
wit.h the conditions governing such use: use h'l such nr'"'­
sons shall be deemed to be use by the regil>\er0.d owner
55. (1) A request under section 30 or 31 (4) for the invali­ Invalida­
dation of a mark or for its removal from the register on the
Removal on
grounds of non-use shall be made to the Registrar in writIng- and th-e
shall be signed by the applicant. The requ('st shall be subject to of n<:m-use

Select target paragraph3