give security rOO" tJhe costs of the opposition proooodings fur such
amount as the Registrar thinks fit.
(5) Where the Registrar decides to register the mark as pro­
vided in section 28 (8) he shall notify the opponent and the ap­
plicant in writing, stating the reasons for his decision and, in the
case of the applicant, requesting him to pay the registration fe-e
within one month from the date of the notification.
(6) Where the Registrar decides to refuse to register the
mark, as provided in section 28 (8), he Slhall notJify the opponent
and the applioant, in writing, stating the reasons for his deci­
at MU'k,

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52. (1) Subject to the payment of the registration fee with­
in the period prescribed in regulation 51 (5), the Registrar shall
register the mark in accordance with Slection 28 (8) and this re­
(2) The Registrar shall allot to each mark he registers a
number in the sequential oroer of registration.
(3) 	 The registration of a mark shall include,
(a) a representation of the mark; 

Cb) the number of the mark; 

(c) the name and address of the regigtered owner; 

Cd) the name and address of the agent, if any; 

(e) 	the fHing date and date of registration;
(f) 	 if priority has been claimed and the claim has been ac­
cepted, the country or countries in v/hich or ~ W'hidh
the earlier applioation was filed; and
(g) 	 the list of goods or services in respect of which the re­
gi'straUon of the mark had been made with an indica­
tion of the corresponding class O'r classes of the Inter­
national Classification.
(4) The publioation o~ the registration of a mark under sec­
tion 28 (8) shaN contain the particulars specified in sub-regula­
tion (3).
(5) The certificate of I'egistration of a mark shall be issued
on Form NO.9 as set out in the Second Schedule.
53 (1) The request for renewal of the registration CYf a mark
under section 29 (5) may be made during the six month period
preceding the expiry of the registration and shaH be signed by
the registered owner or his agent.
(2) The renewal shal1 be subject to payment CYf the renewal
tee whioh shall be made within the period speoified in sub-regu­
lation (1) or, upon payment of the prescribed surcharge, within
the gl'lace period allowed under section 29 (6).
(3) The renewal of the registration of a mark shall be re­
corded iTl the register and shall be published.

Select target paragraph3