payment of the prescribed fee and shall be accompanied by a
statement signed by the applicant indicating the nature of his in­
terest and the grounds upon which he relies.
(2) The pr{)l(:!edure set out in regulation 51 shaH apply,
mutatis mutandis.
(3) The removal of a mark from the regisi.e:r on the grounds
of non-use shall be published.



56. (1) The request under section 36, for the reoon:iing of a
change of ownership of a title granted under the Order OT of an
application therefnr, shall be made to the Registrar on Form No_
lO as set out in the Second Schedule and shall be subject to pay­
ment of the prescribed fee.
(2) The publication of the change of ownership shall spect­
(a) the title of protection concerned;
(b) the filing date and the date of registration or grant;
(c) tJhe owner and the new owner; and
(d) the nature of the change of ownership.
(3) A llicence contract submitted :rOT recO'rdal under section
36 (5) S'hall be accompanied by the prescI1ibed fee.
(4) Where, under section 36 (6), the RegistI'lar invites the
parties to a contract to modify the contract, the parties shall res­
pond to the ,invitation within two months of the date thereof or
within such extended period as the Registrar may a:llow and upon
a request made by the parties, the Registrar shall give them an
opportunity O'f being heard.

Chmges in


merut of

address fur


57. The appointment of an agent shall be by a power of at­
torney Which shall be signed by the applicant, or, if there are
more than one applioants, by each applicant. The address of the
agent shall, for all purposes connected with the Order and these
.Regulations, be treated as the address to which communications
to the person or peTsons who appointed the agent shall be trans­



58'. When the l,ast day for dOing any act or taking any pro­
ceeding falLs on a day when the Registry is not open to the pu­
blic for business, it shall be Lawful to do the act or to take the
proceeding on the day when the Registry is next open fOT busi­


59. Searohes in the registern shall be subject to payment (Jf
the presC'I'libed fee. Requests fur certified copies {)If ex:tracts from
the register or for copies of documents shall be made to the Re­
gistrar and shall be subject to payment {)If the prescribed fee.


request for

and lI()T
oopie6 of

Select target paragraph3