49. 	 (1) If after a hearing or after consiticfu.tion of the ap­ Rejection
plicant's amendments or o[)s6rvations in writing, the Reg:::;trar re­ r,r
jecbs bhe applioation {Y!' accepts it subject.to .any amendmtmts, mo­ al accepb,mce
cHficaHons oonditions, disclaimers or IlmltatlOILS to whIch the to whIch
applicant ~bjects, he shall communicate his decision to the appii­ applicant
cant in writing.
(2) The applicant may, within one month from the date of
suCh communicatJion, upon payment of the prescribed fee, reques:
the Regilst~ar to state in wl"iting the grounds of his decision 3nd
nhe materi~a1s used by him in arriving thereat.
50. 	 (1) If the Registrar accepts the application uncondi­ Acceptance
of appl~ca­
tionally Of acceptJs it subject to any conditions ()'f limitations to n'On, public?­
which the applicant does not object, he shall proceed to publi;;'h tion; supply
C1f pIlinsti ng
the applioation setting out,
(a) 	the filing date;
(b) 	 the representation of the mark;
(c) 	 the goods or serv,ic..-es in respect of which the regist'r::t­

tion of bhe mark is requested with an indication of the 

corresponding class or Cl.a:SlSes of the International Clas­


(d) 	 the name and address of the applioant; and
(e) 	 the name and address of the agent, if any.
(2) For the purposes of the publication required under sec­

tion 28 and this regulation, the Registrar may, in writin~. request 

the app1icant to supply a printing block of such dimensions as 

he may ooIl/Sider ,approp~iate, the dimensions of which shall. not 

e;.cceed 30 X 21 centimetres. 



The notice of O'pposi tion under section 2R

(<1,) ~h"ll 

be given within three months from the date of the publioation re­

ferred to in regulation 50 on Form NO'. 8 as set out in the Second 

Schedule together with payment of the prescribed fee and accom­

panied by supporting evidence, if any. 

(2) The cO'unter-statement referred to in section 28 (5) shall 

be subject to' payment of the prescribed fee and shall be sriven 

within two months from the date the notice of oppnsition i; sent 

to the applicant in writing, stating the grounds upon which the 

appli{l~nt reli.es for his application and accompanied by support­ 

mg eVl<ien{!€ If any. 

(3) The request for a hearing, under section 28 (f)), shall 

be made to nhe Registrar in writing at any time after t.he iWn a 

of tJ~ notice of opposition but not later than one month af+.cr th~ 

eXlplry of the prescribed period for filing the counter-statement. 

Th~ RegIstrar shall give the parties at least one month's vrritten 

~otlCe 00 t~e date set for the hearing and each plrty shal~, wi th­

In bhat penod, pay the prescribed fee fOT the hearing. 

(4) Where the opponent or the applicant does not res.ide or 

carry on busineSIS in Lesotho, the Regi,strar may require him to 

Select target paragraph3