Copy <Yf

0..£ applica·

Marking 01
the applica­
tion and
filing date

in the pre-ceding s·ut-regulations.
45. The period for furnishing the certified copy of the eaT­
lier aDPlication shall be three months from the date of the re­
quest. by the Registrar.
46. (1) The withdrawal of the applicatlOnshall be made by
a Wl'itt.~n declaration signed by the applicant and submitted to
the Registrar.
(2) The application fee sh,lll not be refunded if the appli­
cation is withdravm.
47. (1) Regulation 22 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to
marks and the letter "P" in regulation 22 (2) shall be rood as the
letter "M".
(2) The Registrar ,:;hall accord as the filing date 01 the appli­
cation the date on which the following matters are received,
(a) 	 the name of the applicant;
(b) 	 an address to which commun1oations can be directed;
(c) 	 a reprouuction of the trademark;
(d) 	 a specification of goods or services; and
(e) 	 the required filing fee for at least one class oi goods CYr
(3) The Registrar shall notify the applicant in writing of the
a;lplication numbeT and the f.iling date.

Objection to
48. (1) If, upon ex:amination in accordance with secbion 28,
or condition· tt e Registrar objects to the applioation f'or registration of a mark,
al accept­



he shall notify the applicant in writing of his objedions with an
the relevant details and invite the applicant to amend the appli·
f;8.tion. submit his observations in writing or aipply for a hearing
within two month·s from the date of the notifioation. If the appJj­
cant does not comply with the invitation within the set period, he
shall be deemed to have withdflawn his application.
(2) If, upon examination in accrrdance with section 28, the
:;:',egistrar deoides to accept the application subject to amend­
ments, modifica~ions, conditions, di~claimers or limitations, he
shall communicate the decision to the applicant in WI'liting.
(3) If the applicant objects to the amendments, modifica­
tions, conditions, disclaimers or limitations, he shall, within two
months fflom the date of the communication, apply for a he'arin~
or submit his obserV'aHons in writing. If the applicant does not
object to such amendments, modifications, conditions, disclaimers
or limitations, he shall notify the Registrar in writing and amend
his application accordingly. If the applica.nt does not respond in
one way or the other within the set period, he shall be deemed
to have withdl"la'\vn his application.
(4) The request for a hearing, which shaH be accompanied
by the presoribed fee, shall be made in writing to the RegistraI
who, upon receiv:ing same, shall give the applicant at least one
month's nobice in writing of the date and time when he may be

Select target paragraph3