
rable paper. Part of the mounting shall be affixed in the space
aforesaid and the rest may be folded.
(2) With all aI>plications for the registration of a mark,
three additional reproductions oJ the mark shall be submitted.
The reproduction of the mark on the applicati?n and the addi­
tional reproductions s.hall be identical. The addltlOnal reproduc­
tions shall in all cases be noted with all such particula'l's as may,
from time to time, be required by the Registrar. Such particulars
shall, if requiroo, be signed by the applicant or his authorjsed
(3) 	 If the Registrar considers ally l~G'production of a mark
unsuitable, he may, at any time, require a suitable rep.roduction 

to be substituted. 

(4) Where a drawing or other reproduction cannot be given 

in the aforesaid manne'r, a specimen or copy of the mark may 

be sent either od' full size or Qna reduced scale and in such a 

form as the Registrar may consider awropriate. 

43. Where a mark consists of or corruains a word o-r words Tmns­
in characters other than Roman, the application on Form No. 7 lilte\MII~on
and 	 t:I1aIl&
as set out in the Second Schedule, and the additional reproductions lation
~ the
of the mark shall be accompanied, unless the Registrar otherwise m.a.rk 

directs, by a sufficient transliteration and translation to the satis­

faction of the Registrar of each of such words, stating the lan­

guage to which each wo,rd belongs. 

44. 	 (1) The declaration refeI"red to in section 27 (2) shall DeclaMtion
of priority
and tramSla­
Ca) 	 the date of the earlier application;
tion 	of
(b) 	 the number of the earli-er application, subject t.o sub­ earli'er appli­
regulation (2); and
(c) 	 the State in whidh the e'arlier application was filed or,
where the ear1ier application is a regional Olf an inte'!'­
national application, the office with which it was filed
and the country or countries for which it was filed.
(2) Where at the time of filling the declaI"ation referred to 

in sub. .regu1ation (1), bhe number of any earlier application is 

not known, that number shall be furnished within three months 

from the date on which the aI>plication containing the declara­ 

tion wa's filed, The Registrar may extend the time limit referred 

to in tJhis sub-reguJ'ation for ,an additional per~od af three months, 

if the applicant supplies eVidence that, due to circumstances De­

yond his control, he was not able to comply wi1:Jh the pre9cribed 

time limit. 

(3). Whe~e the prioritiesaf two or more earLier applioations 

a,re clalm~d, In acco'rdanoe with sub~regulation (1), the indica­

tIOn relatmg to those earlier applications may De included in a 

single declaration. 

(4) The applioant may, at any time before the registration 

of 1:Jhe ma:rk, amend the contents of the declaration referred to 

Select target paragraph3