(c) 	 the name and address of the agent, if any;
(d) 	 the name and address of the creator, except where he
has asked not to be named in the registration;
(e) 	 if the priority has been claimed, and the claim has been
accepted, the country or countries in which or for which
the earlier appUcation was filed; and
(f) 	 the kind of products for which the industrial design is
to be used.
(4) The publication of the registration of an industrial de­
sign, under section 23 (4) shall contain the particulars speCified
in sub. .regulation (3).
(5) The certificate of registration of an industrial design
shall be issued on Form NO.6 as set out in the Sewnd Schedule.
Renewal at.


39. (1) The renewal of the registration of an industrial de­
sign under section 24 (4) may be made by the registered owner
or his agent during the six month reriod preceding the expiry of
the registration.
(2) The renewal shall be made by p~yment of the renewal
fee within the period specified in sub-regu).ation (1) or, upon
paymen tof the prescribed surcharge, within the grace period
allowed under section 24(4).
(3) The renewal of an industrial design registration shall
be recorded in the register and shall be published.
(4) The Registrar shall issu ~ to the registered owner a cer­
tificate of renewal which shall ("ontain,
(a) 	 the registration numbe ... of the industrial design;
(b) 	 the date of renewal and the date of expiry;
(c) 	 the name and address of the re.S;istered owner; and
(d) 	 an indication of the kind of products for which tht::: h­
dustrial dcsigrl has been registered.

Q:a:ss'ifi aa­
tion 	 of



40. The Registrar shall ap.ply the International Class'ifica­
tion of Goods and Services for the Purpost.s of the Registration
of Marks adopted by the Nice Agreement of June 15, 1957, as up­
dated subsequently and set out ill the Third SchedulR.



tor reg.istra­
tion 	of a

tion of the

41. 	 The appltication Tor the registraVion ofa mark shall be
made on Form No.7 as set out in the Second Schedul':! and shall
be signed by the applicant. An application may be made for the
registration of a mark in respect of goods or services in one or
more classes of the International Classification referred to in re­
gulation 40.
42. 	 (1) The appHoation shall contain a durable gr:aphic re­
production of the mark in the space provided therefor on Foo-m
...olo. 7 as set out in the Second Schedule, Where the reproduction
exceeds the space in size, it shall be mounted upon hard and du­

Select target paragraph3