
(c) 	 a printing block or printing blocks of such dimensions
as the Registrar may consider appropriate.
(2) A -specimen shaH be of a size not exceeding 20 centi­
mebres X 20 centimetres X 20 centimetres. No graphic repre­
sentation, drawing or tracing of the industrial design shall ex­
ceed 10 centimetres X 20 centimetres. Such representations,
drawings or tracings, shaH be affixed on four sheets of cardboard
of A4 size. Drawings and tracings shall be in b1ack ink.
37. (1) The Registrar shaB examine whether the applica­
tion fuUills the requirement ,of secbion 23 (1).
(2) The invitation to fii1e any correction, under section 23
(1), shlall be in writing; it shal'l specify the correction nr co'rrec­
tions required and request that these be filed within two months
from the date of the said invitation, together with the payment
of the prescribed fee.
(3) Once the Regist!1aT ac<:'ords·a filing date, he shaH so no­
tify the applicant .in writing, If the application is breated as if it
had not been filed, under >section 23 (1), the Registr.ar shall no­
tify the applicant in writing, specifying the reCl!sons.




filing da.te;

tion; dic1­
sion to
grant or

(4) Where the Registrar finds that the requirements rela­
ting t.o the definition of an industrial design in section 2, the con­
ditions 'set out in sections 20 (4) and 22(1) and (2) are not ful­
filled, he shlilll,invite the apphaant, in writing, to me the required
co~rection within two months from the date ,of the invitation, to­
getber with the payment of the prescribed fee. If tJhe applicant
does not comply with ,the invitation to correct a defi'Ciency, or
Wlhere, despite corrections submitted by the applicant, the Regis­
tl'\aIl' is of the opinion that the ·said 'conditions ,are not fulfilled, he
shall rej-e:ct the application ,and notify the applicant in writing,
stating the r~aJsons,

(5) Rejoction IOf the appHcatioTIshall not affect its filing
date whioh ,Sh;a:1!l rema'in valid.
(6) The Regist1'lalr shall notify the appLicant In writing, of
hi'S dedision to ~ran't or to rejeCt the application, and, in the case
CYf ,a decision to grant the .application, he shall request the a'Ppli­
oant to 'Pay the registration and pubhlcation fee wi thin one month
from the date.of the notification.
38. (1) Subject to the paYlffient of the registration and pu­
blioation fee W'ithli.n the perioo prescI1ibed in reguLation 37 (6) the
RegtistTa(l" shall register the industrial design in accoroance with
sect don 23 (4) and this reguliati'on.
(2) The Registrar shaJJ1 allot to each industrial design he re­
gisters ,a number in the sequenti'al order of registration.
(3) The registration of an industrial design shall include a
representation of the indu~ial design and shaN specify,
(a) 	 the number of the industrial design;
(b) 	 the name and address of the regi-stered owner;
Sions of whUch shalll not exceed 30 x 21 centimetres).


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