section 13 (4), he shan state th€ terms of exploitation, and
transmit th€ decision to th€ Registrar.
(3) The Registrar S1hall record and publish ~e dec.ision of
the Minister and notify the owner of the patent m WI"ltmg and
the other pa·rticipants in the hearing.
(4) If the decision of the Minister with regard to remune­
ration is th€ subject of an appeal, the Registrar of the High
Court shall notify the Registrar of the court's decision once it be­
comes fiDall, and the Reg.istrar shall record tile decision and pub­
lish it.
29. (1) The request to extend the duratio.n of a patent,
Ex:tension of
duration Of undeiI' seemon 14(2), shall be made in wI1iting to the Registrar,
and shJaJ.l be acoom.p.anied by a statement Signed by the owner of
the patent setting out particulars of the working of the invention
in Lesotho or indicating reasons for the non-working of the in­
vention in Lesoth<>.
(2) Where the Registrar extends the duration of a I>atent,
he Ishlahlreooro and I>ubliSih the extension.
Annual Nes

30. (1) Upon payment of an annual fee in accord'ance with
section 14 (5), vhe Regi:strar shall, within two weeks from th e
date the payment~s received, fl.lirIlish or send to the applicant or
to the owner of the patent a receipt of pa:yment.
(2) The Registrar sha'll record and pU'blish a notification
of the ,Lapseof a patent.
(3) Annua:l fees shall not be refundable.
3l. (1) The request for grant of a non-voluntarylicence
under section 15 shall be made to the Registrar on Form No. 4
as set out tn the Second Schedule, together with the payment of the
prescribed fee; it shall be accompanied by,
Ca) 	 evidence that the owner of the patent has receive
request, fmm the person requesting the non-volunk.
lioeIllCe, ror a Licence contrad but that the labter \":.-;
been unable to obtain such a licence on re;aSOIla'I:·.
terms and within a reasonable time; and
(b )an indioatil()7loo the pLan according to which the person
requesting the non-voluntary licence intends to work
the patented invention, including evidenoe that he has
the ability to do so in Lesotho.
(2) The Registflar shall, within three months from the
date?f the request fOT the grant of a non-vdlun'tary licence,
e~amIne Whether the requipements of section 15 (1) and (2) and
SU!o..reglUla'tion (1) 'are, prima facie, ,satisfied; ,if he finds that
the reqUJirementsare not satisfied, the Registrar shall reject the
request and notify, in writing, the peI'!oon requesting the non­
v:01untJary licence, ~Iting the grounds for the rejection; if he
fmds th:at 'the reqw.rements aTe satisfied the Registrar shall
fo~h:Wit!h send a ooPY of the request to th~ patent owner, to be­
nefLcN11Y,1e5 of oon-valuntlary licences and tQ persons exploiting the

Select target paragraph3