The Registrar shall allot to eaoh patent a pUblicaUon
of bhe patent, in the sequential order of grant.
(3) The patent shall be granted on Form No.2 of the
Second. ScheduLe and shall contain, in addition to the inform a
Ilion indicated in sub-regulation (5), the date of publication of
the patent, the documents or references cited of the prior art,
the description, the o1aims and the drawings, if any.
(4) The patent shall De deemed to be granted on the date
the RegistI'lar publishes the fact tJhat he has granted the patent
in aooordance with section 12(2) (a).
(5) The publioation of the grant of the 'Patent shall include,
(a) the number·of the patent;
(b) the name and addTess of the owner of the patent;
(c) the name and address of the inventor, except where he
11:318 a1Sked not to be named in the patent;
(d) Ibhe IlIame and address of the agent, if any;
(e) tJhe filing date and nUlmber of the applicati.on;
(1) if prionity'has been oLaimed and the claim 'has been
'aJOOepted, a -stJaltement of the prJ ()Irity, the p'rio~ity date
and the IlIame of the country or countries in which or for
whiCh the ·earlier 'aPPlication was filed;
(g) the effective date '00 gran1. af the patent;
('h) the title ,of 1Jhe inventJon;
(ii) tlhe iabstract.;
(j) the most 'illustrative of the drawings, if any; and
(k) the sym!bol of tJhe International Patent Cl.assific.ation.
(6). The certificate of grant shall be issued on Form NO.3 as
set out m the Second Schedule and shall be signed by the Registrar
and shall contain,
(a) the number of the patent;
(ob) the name and address O'f the owner of the patent;
('C) the f1lingdate .and., where 'applicable, priority date of
ef!fective date af grant of the patent; and
(e) the title otf the ~nventi<m.
28. (1) The Minister Shall, ·OOfOT'e making a decision under
section 13(5) oonsult the and give the owner of the
patent, beneflci1arles of non-vo1untJa'ry licences, and any dbher
persOIllS Whose parlicipation he considers useful, at least 21 days'
written notice of the date on which they may be heard. The
owner of the patentshwl give aN Licensees ~itten notice of the
hearing ~. Uleyshall have the right to paI"tlicipate therein.
(d) the
The Mirnster shaH make hJsdecision after the hear
ing, in writing, stating the groundis upon which it is balse<l., and,
1:£ he has decided. that the invention shaH be exploited under
of I>3lteMed
Invention by
or by thd'I'd
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