patented inwntion under s;ection 1315), and invite them .in writ
ing to submit observations thcrc{lD 00 the RegIstrar, wlthm three
months of the date of the invitation.
(3) The patent owner shall forthwith notify, in writing,
aU licensees of Lhe request, and the licensees shall have the !light
to submit, in writing, observations thereon to the Registrar
within three months of the date of the invitation issued under
sub-reguLation (2).
(4) The Registrar shall forthwith notify the peroon re
questing the non-voluntary Hcence of any observations submitted
under sub-regulations (2) and (3).
(5) The Registrar shall then convene a hearing to which
he shaH invite the person requesting the non-voluntary licence,
the pa<tent O'W1ler and the persons who submitted observations
wnder sub.. regulations (2) and (3) giving them at l€!ast one
month',s written notice of the date of the hearing.
(6) AIteT the hearing, if the Registrar finds that the con
ditions for the grant of a non-vo1untary licence are fulfiUoo., he
Shlall ~ant the licence; otherwise, he shall r&fuse to grnnt it.
(7) The decisio·n to grant or to refuse to grant a non-V{)
luntary licence shall be in writing, shall state the grounds upon
whLch it is based and, in the case of a dedsion to grant the Ilml
voluntary licence, shall specify, in particular,
(a) the period for which the licence is granted;
(b) to will ch ,of the acts referred to in the detfini tion of
"explOlitation" in section 2 the licence exte'!ldis (other
th1an importation);
(e) the time limit within which the benefici,ary of the non-.
voluntary licence must commence working the paterrted
(d) the terms regarding payment of remunerotJion.
(8) The Registmr shaH record and publish the d~cision
to gra~t or to refuse to grant the non-volunta-ry licence and
t:rans~lt a ropy thereof to bhe poernon requesting the non-volun
~ Li'cence, th~owner of the patent and the persons who sub
mItted observatIOns under sub-regul,ations (2) and (3).
32. (1) Whe.re the prOVisions of section 16 (2) apply only
to some of th~ claIms or. some parts of ·a o1adm, su.cll c1aims or
parts of a drum shaH be Invalidated.
(2.) The patent owneT shall nomfy any hcemee in writing
of any court proceedings institu1led for the invalidation of the
patent. The pernon requesting invahdation shiaJ1 so notify any
beneficilaries of non-voluntaTy Hcences granted under section H5
and Where the ground of invalidity invoked is that the parent
is not the inventor {)of his successor in title, he she'll also
notify the person alileged to have the right to the patent.