EXlll11i naticm
as to 5Ub
s1lance and
decisilon to
grant or
refuse to
grant patellit
25. (1) For the purposes of the examination lUlder sec
tion 11(6), the Registl"ar may cause the application to be tran&
mitted together with all relevant documents to an examining
authority which has concluded an arrangement to this effect with
the Registrar, requ2sting a search and examination report.
Where, ta.k:ng due account of the ronclusions of the
search and examination report referred to in sub-regulation (1),
the Registrar is of the opinion, subject to regulatJion 26, that the
condi tions referred to in section 11 (6) are not fulfilled, he s.hall
notify the app1icanrt m writing, inviting him, several times if
necessary, to submit his oooervaUons anel, where app1ic:able, to
amend or divide his application, within a speci'f1ied period; sud!
specified period shall nCJit be less tJh,m two or mOI'€ than Gix
months from the date of the invitation.
(3) vVhere the applicant does not comply with the said in
vi<tation or where: despite any observation, amendment OT divi"
sion submiUed by theapp1icant, the Registrar, taking due ac
count of t.he conclusions of the se'arch and examinatioo report
referred to in sub-regulation (1), is ,of the opinion, subject to
regulation 26 that the conditions referred to in section 11 (5)
and (6) are not fulfil1ed, he .shall refuse to grant t.he patent.
(4) Where two or more applications f'or the grant of a
patent f.or th~ same invention, having the same filing date or,
where applicable, the S1me priority date,are filed by the :)lmi:
applicant, the Regist.rar may, on that ground, ref~ to gt,J1t
patent in plli":::iUance of more than one of bhe applications.
(5) Where t,he Registrar, taking due account of the oonc1
sions of the search and examination report referred to in su
regulation (1), is of the opinion, subject to regulation 24, th,
the conditions referred to in section 11 (5) and (6) are fulfille·,
he shall grant the patent.
(6) The Registrar shall notify the applioant, in writing,
of his decision to grant or to refuse t.o grant a patent, att.aching
a copy of the search and ex:amina tion report upon which the de
cision is based and, in the case orr a refusal to gront a patetnt,
stating the reasorus therefor, and in the case <Yf a decision to
grant a patent, requesting the applicant to pay the grant and
pu:blica,trlon fee within three months from the date O'I the noti!i
27. (1) Subject to the payment of the grant and publica
as to novelty tion fee within three months from the date of th€ notification of
II!Ild mven
the decision to gran't the patent, the Registrar shall grant t'ha
tive step
patent in accordance wi1lh oodion 12 (2) and this regulabion.
26. In accordance witJh 'serbion 11 (7), the examination shatl
cover the requirements of novelty and inventive !rt.ep under sec
tion 5(2), (3), (4) and (5) in respect 00 all categories of inven