(2) The application fee shall not be refunded if the appU­
cation is withdrawn,
(1) Upon receipt, the Registrar shal1 mark, on each
document making up the apphcatioD, the actua1 date of recelpt
and the appii"':ation number consis~ing of the letters LS, stroke,
the letter P, strol:e, the last tvlO numbers of the year in wh,ieh
the initial papers were rece'ived, stroke, and a five digit number
aHotted in the sequential order in which applications are receiv­

Marking ap­
p 11 caIti.on

(2) Where any corrections or other later filed d()CUments S~d
are received on different dates, the Registrar shall also mark Schedule
their actua1 date of receipt in the appropriate place of the re­
quest for the grant of the patent as set out in Form No, 1 CYf the
Second ScheduLe,
(3) The application number aI10led undDr sub-regu1ation
(1) shall be quotoo in all subsequent communications concern­
ing the apphcation,

23, (1) The Registrar shall ex:unine whether the app1ica­ ACCQrding
tion fuliiUs tlhe requirements of ~ction 11 (1) ,
(2) The invitation to file any correction under sedioTI 11 j\jung date
(2), shall be in writing; it shall 'specify the correction required
and request that it be fliled within two months from the date of
the invitation, together with the payment of the prescribed fee,
(3) Once the Registrar accoro'S a fihng date, he shall notify
the ap¢ioant in writing; if the appLication is treated as if it had
not been filoed under section 11 (2) the Registrar shall notify the
&pplicant in writing, specifying the reasons,
24. (1) In addition to the requirements of section 7 (1), E>W'Imlnatl.Cln
(2) and (3), and the regu,la.tions p€rtaining thereto, the require­ a'S txl form
ments relatmg to the deflmtlon of "agent" in section 2 and re­
gulatlOns 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 and 15 to the extent applicable shall be
considered formal requirements for the purposes of the Order,
(2) 'Where the Registrar finds that thB conditions refer­
red ~ in s~<;tion 11 ~5) are not !ulfiUed, he shall invite the appU­
cant m writIng, to file the reqUIred correction within two months
from ~e date of the invitation, together with the payment of the
prescnbed fee,
(3) Where no abstract is provided, the Registrar sha11 in­
vite the applicant to correct the deficiency either by providing an
abstract or by paying the prescribed fee for the preparation of
the abstract by the Registrar himself; if the applicant does not
comply with the invitation to correct a deficiency, or where, des­
pite the corrections submitted by the applicant, the Registrar is
of the opinion that the conditions referred to ill section 11 (5)
are not fulfilled, he shall reject the application and notify the ap­
plicant in writing, stating the reasons.
(4) RejectJion <Yf the appl'ioation shall not affect its fil1ng
date Whicll shall remadn valid.

Select target paragraph3