which has been allocate<t to tlle earlier application., subject to
wb--regu.1ation (3);
(d) the State in which the earlier application was filed OT,
where the earlier application is a regional or an inter
national apphoation, the State or States for which it was
(e) where the earlier application is a regional or an inteT
national application, the office with which it was filed.
(2) Where, .at the time of filing the declaration referred to
in sub-regu}ation (1), the number of the earlier application is not
known, tlhaJt number shall be furnished within three months
from the date on which the application containing the de{:lara
lion Waf) filed.
(3) Where a symbol of the International Patent ClasSlifica
tiJon has not been allocated to the earlier application, or had not
yet been allocated at the time of filing the declaration referred
to in subreguhation (1), the applicant shall state this fact in the
said dedaration a,nd shall communicate such symbol as soon as
it has been allocated.
(4) Tile applicant may, at any time before the grant of the
patent, amend the contents of the declaration referred to in sub
regula tion (1).
(5) The peri,ed :vr fuI1'rishing the certifJed copy O'f the ear
lier applliCiation, referred to in secti<)TI 9(2) ,shall be three months
from the date of the request by the Registrar.
(6) Where a copy has already been furnished for another
applricati<m, the applicant may respond by making a reference to
that otheiI" application.
(7) Where the earlier application ts in a language other
than Engl.Ji.sh, the applicant shall, within six mcmtrul from the
date of the .request made under sedion 9 (2), furnish a certified
Eng1ish tI1ansbation of t!he earlier application.
(8) Uni~ t'he Registrar requests otherwise, the earlier
applioati~m and anytrlaIbShat10n thereof shaH be filed i.n one copy.
T\mc for
Patents and
othe.r titles
of proI!:ect1on
20. (1) The time limit to be specified for furnishing the
informaltlion requested under section 10 sball not be less than
two or more rt:h:an six mantrus from the date such a request is
made, but the Reg!istrCl1I' may extend sudh time limit on request
and on good. caUlSe IShown by the applicant.
(2) If tihe applicant replJies that bhe dooumenbs requested
under section 10 are nat yet avai..1aible, the Registrar may sus
pend the procedure for the e~tion of the app1lication until
S1.ldl time as the documents are furniShed_
21. (1) Each application shall be witih.drawn by W'liitten
declra:rntion submitted to the Registrar and signed by tihe appli