Any change of the address which, for purposes of correspondence is specified in an application for the grant of a plant
breeder's right, or of an address entered in the register, shall—

as the case may be, be furnished by-


the person who has applied for the grant of the plant breeder's right concerned;


the holder of the plant breeder's right concerned;


the legal representative or agent of such applicant or holder; or


the person to whom a licence or compulsory licence has been issued in respect of the plant breeder's right concerned;


be submitted to the registrar on a form which is obtainable from the offices of the registrar in Pretoria for this purpose; and


be submitted within 30 days from the date on which such change of address has come into effect.

Register of plant breeders' rights
20. (1) In the register of plant breeders' rights referred to in section 4 of the Act shall be entered—

the kind of plant to which each variety belongs;


the denomination of each variety and any approved alteration thereof;


the principal characteristics of each variety and, where varieties are produced by a cross between certain hereditary
components, the principal characteristics of such components;


the full name and address of the original breeder of each variety;


the name and address of the holder of the plant breeder's right in each variety and the name and address of each person to
whom such right has been transferred;


the name and address of the person who has been appointed as the agent of any person referred to in paragraph (e);


the date of inception of the plant breeder's right in each variety;


the date on which a plant breeder's right ceases to exist and the reason therefor;


the name and address of each person to whom a licence or a compulsory licence has been issued in terms of the Act for the
use of a plant breeder's right; and


such other particulars as the registrar may, subject to the provisions of the Act, deem necessary.

The fee specified in item 14 of Table 2 shall be payable by a person requesting inspection of the register of plant breeders'
Inspection in and copies of documents
21. (1) Any person—

desiring to inspect a document submitted to the registrar in connection with an application for the grant of a plant breeder's


requiring a copy of any particulars in the register, or of a document referred to in paragraph (a), or


requiring a certificate by the registrar in connection with particulars or a document referred to in paragraph (b); shall apply
therefor on a form which is obtainable from the offices of the registrar in Pretoria for this purpose.


Such application shall be accompanied by the appropriate application fees specified in items 15, 16 and 17 of Table 2.

Select target paragraph3