The registrar shall publish the particulars specified in item 8 of Table 3 in respect of the denomination of a variety after he
or she has approved an alteration or supplementation thereof.
Termination of plant breeders' rights
16. (1) An objection against the intended termination of a plant breeder's right of which the holder thereof or the holder of a
licence therein has been notified as contemplated in section 33 (2) of the Act shall—

be lodged in writing by the holder of the plant breeder's right concerned or the holder of a licence therein;


be lodged with the registrar within 60 days from the date on which a person referred to in paragraph (a) has been notified


state the name and address of the person objecting;


indicate the published particulars of the plant breeder's right concerned;


state the grounds on which the objection is based; and


be accompanied by the fee specified in item 12 of Table 2.

The registrar shall publish the particulars specified in item 9 of Table 3 in respect of the termination of a plant breeder's
The holder of a plant breeder's right shall return the certificate of registration issued in respect thereof to the registrar within
30 days from the date of the publication referred to in sub-regulation (2).
Voluntary surrender of plant breeders' rights
17. (1) A notice by the holder of a plant breeder's right that he or she is surrendering such a right, shall—

be submitted to the registrar on a form which is obtainable from the offices of the registrar in Pretoria for this purpose; and


be accompanied by—

the fee specified in item 13 of Table 2; and


the certificate of registration issued in respect of the plant breeder's right concerned.

The registrar shall publish the particulars specified in item 10 of Table 3 in respect of the voluntary surrender of a plant
breeder's right.
Recognition of agents
18. (1) The registrar may recognise a person as an agent it he or she is satisfied that such person—

is of good standing; and


has suitable qualifications and adequate experience;

and is therefore able to represent a person applying for the grant of a plant breeder's right or the holder of such right and to further
the interests of such person or holder.

A notice in connection with the designation or substitution of an agent shall—


be furnished by a person who has applied for the grant of a plant breeder's right or by the holder of such right;


be submitted to the registrar on a form which is obtainable from the offices of the registrar in Pretoria for this purpose; and


be submitted within 30 days from the date on which such designation or substitution has come into effect.

Notice of change of address

Select target paragraph3