Appeal to the minister
22. (1) An appeal in terms of section 42 of the Act, shall—

be lodged with the Director-General in writing within 60 days from the date on which the registrar has given the appellant
written notice of the decision or action concerned;


state the reference number and the date of the document by means of which such appellant was notified of that decision or


state the grounds on which the appeal is based; and


be accompanied by the fee specified in item 18 of Table 2.


An appeal shall—


when forwarded by post, be addressed to –
The Director-General: Agriculture
Private Bag X250
0001; or


when delivered by hand, be delivered to The Director-General: Agriculture
Dirk Uys Building
Hamilton Street

Remuneration of chairperson and members of appeal boards
A person who is appointed in terms of section 42 (2) (a) of the Act, as a member of an appeal board, and who is not an
officer, shall be remunerated according to Category C of the Manual for the Application of the System for the Administration of
the Service Benefit Packages for Office bearers of Certain Statutory and other Institutions.
Payment of fees
24. (1) Postage on and delivery costs of any application or document submitted in terms of these regulations, as well as on or of
anything else pertaining thereto, shall be prepaid.
Any fee payable in terms of these regulations, shall be paid by means of a cheque, postal order or money order made out in
favour of the Director-General: Agriculture: Provided that if such fee is delivered by hand, it may be paid in cash.
Subject to the provisions of section 42 (8) of the Act, fees which are paid in terms of these regulations shall not be
Address for the submission of documents
Any application, notice, objection or other document which is to be submitted to the registrar in terms of these regulations

when forwarded by post, be addressed toThe Registrar of Plant Breeders' Rights
Private Bag X258
0001; or


when delivered by hand, be addressed to or delivered to
The Registrar of Plant Breeders' Rights

Select target paragraph3